El masaje sueco elimina las tensiones y reafirmar músculos y articulaciones. Su efecto tonificante y relajante favorece la circulación sanguínea y linfática y elimina gran número de toxinas. Además, ayuda al cuerpo a reencontrar su equilibrio natural.
Se consigue relajar el cuerpo y la mente, los movimientos lentos y suaves eliminan el estrés y mejoran la circulación, aliviando el dolor corporal y potenciando un efecto tonificante y revitalizante.
Beneficios del Masaje Sueco:
Duración: 60' Precio: 60 €
Duración 75' Precio: 80 €
Servicio también disponible a domicilio: +15€ (consultar precios por zonas)
Swedish massage:
The Swedish massage aims to eliminate tensions and reaffirm muscles and joints. Its toning and relaxing effect favors blood and lymphatic circulation and eliminates a large number of toxins, also helps the body to find its natural balance.
The body and mind can be relaxed. The slow and smooth movements eliminate stress and improve circulation, relieving body pain and enhancing a toning and revitalizing effect.
Benefits of the Swedish Massage:
-> Deep relaxation of body and mind
-> Relief of muscle, joint and sciatic pain
-> Improvement and acceleration of lymphatic circulation and draining effect
-> Elimination of toxins
-> Stimulation and visible improvement of skin appearance
-> Improvement of muscle and joint tissue
-> Acceleration of the healing of injuries and diseases
-> Decrease adipose tissue and tissue recovery
-> Reduction of tiredness, stress, anxiety and irritability
-> Relaxation and relief
Duration: 60 minutes. Price: 60 €.
Duration: 75 minutes. Price: 80 €.
Service also available at home: + € 15 (check prices by zones)